I decided to publish some of the posts from my private blog here, just general stuff, nothing personal. If you want to read some more - go to the other blog. :)
It's soooo hot! I am not sure how long I will be able to put up with it... It reminds me - once I got a few week scholarship - a language course in Serbia, it was sooo hot there that I couldn't stand it and I went back home after two weeks. I couldn't do anything there - it was too hot and humid to go and see the city of Belgrade, to go to museums, pubs etc. Even to the beach. Too hot. So, we'll see how long I will stay in Suriname :P
Nevertheless, it was terribly hot the other day - what a surprise!! - but even though we went - walked!! - to the city centre.
We walked for more less half an hour, stopping every few meters so I could take a picture ;)
The Palmen Tuin - the Palm Garden, apparently a place we should avoid if we don't want to be robbed or even killed, pity, seems like a very nice place.
It wasn't a typical city centre you can imagine. People everywhere, not many side walks, rubbish on the streets and not the best smell, to use a euphemism. But it wasn't so bad, comparing to stories about India. We walked to the river bank,
...walked through a market (you really have to know what you want to buy - I couldn't recognize most of the food there!!)
...and a shopping centre,
I loved the colours
Look at the door posters :)))
It was very difficult to cross the street, we just followed the crowd, in the middle of the street, among the cars...
People are nice to you, and so are shops :D
I didn't get to the mosque yet, just took a pic from a distance, but I liked the truck with the two looking-like-towers bottles.
I've seen a few of those, it must be in fashion now :)
Some kids coming back from school
Found in a shop ;)
...we exchanged money, risked to eat out

The place where we ate, pretty decent food, no stomach ache ;)

Rice with vegetables and super hyper hot peppers, which I didn't even smell!
...and went back home by taxi.
I must say that I quite liked what I saw - the buildings, the river, the shops, even if it wasn't the most pleasant view sometimes. |
There were quite a few buildings like this... |
And the most important - the people. They are so nice. Smile a lot, wave to Aga, want to hold her - she didn't share their excitement - she waved and smiled, but didn't let them pick her up. Such a smart girl! The only person who gained her trust is a very nice lady who cleans at our hotel. She's 45, has 4 kids - the oldest is 25. She was VERY surprised that we only have one child. But she is very nice, she does our dishes :D And she gave Aga a baloon. :)
Well, the last days passed very quickly and quite unproductively - it rained for the last two - three days, and rain + heat = disaster! Btw, I haven't seen such a heavy rain for a while! |
It rained like this for a few hours, apparently the rainy season hasn't finished yet. |
A sample of the rain
Oh no, there was one productive thing - we went to check out the swimming pool I learnt about from the Internet. I didn't even expect something so nice. The pool itself is not big, but with my swimming 'skills' it's really good enough, but there is also a tennis court and other sport places, which I saw from a distance, so I am not sure what they exactly were. But we got a nice tour around the premises with the janitor ;) The tickets are 15 SRD (~3,50 Euro) so we may visit it more often :)